Our impact

550,000 hectares protected, on title, in-perpetuity

2,400+ landholder agreements

200+ threatened species protected

"Most farmers want to do biodiversity conservation, they just need direction, a plan and resources."
- Will Hooke, Edward River landholder

The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust offers conservation agreements to support NSW landholders protect and manage biodiversity on their properties. Agreements come with an option of annual payments to deliver an agreed management plan or access to grant funding to realise conservation goals.

Comparison of our agreements

DescriptionBid for the costs to deliver an agreed conservation management plan. Bids are competitiveReceive a fixed price to deliver an agreed conservation management planA conservation agreement, with no annual payments, and no set conservation planEntry-level conservation agreement, with no annual payments and no set conservation plan
Min. size of conservation areaVariesVaries20 hectares*10 hectares*
Geographical restrictionsYesYesNoNo
Agreement lengthMinimum 15 yearsIn-perpetuityIn-perpetuityLong-term
Registered on titleYesYesYesYes
Can be revoked if land is sold?NoNoNoYes
Financial supportSuccessful participants received annual payments, at a price you setSuccessful applicants receive annual fixed price paymentsAgreement-holders can apply for grants of $15,000 a year for 3 yearsAgreement-holders can apply for grants of $2,000 a year, up to 3 years
Actively manage the agreed areaRequiredRequiredRecommendedRecommended
Annual reportingRequiredRequiredAs a condition of grant fundingAs a condition of grant funding
Yearly occurrencePer a schedule of opportunitiesAll year^All yearAll year
Exempt from council rates?YesYesYesNo
OptionThis is a conservation tender. It is offered under our Conservation Management Program.This is a fixed price offer. It is offered under our Conservation Management Program.Standard agreement. It is offered under our Conservation Partners Program.Wildlife refuge. It is offered under our Conservation Partners Program.

*Proposed areas less than the minimum size may be considered should they contain very high conservation values (e.g. threatened species or their habitat, or threatened ecological communities), or are of high strategic importance, or are within priority investment areas under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Investment Strategy.
^A new offer opens on 1 March each year.
Note: Applying for a biodiversity stewardship agreement (BSA) can be completed at environment.nsw.gov.au

Our conservation agreements

Four people walking through a long grass conservation area with small hills in the background

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I would like to review open tenders and fixed price offers to manage conservation on my land.

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Photo of a woman pointing to a tree.

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I would like to join a network of private land conservationists and access grant funding.

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