General enquiries

NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust
Four Parramatta Square (4PSQ),
Level 14, 12 Darcy Street, Parramatta NSW  2150

Locked Bag 5022, Parramatta NSW 2124

ABN 37 151 321 702

Phone: 1300 992 688
Email: [email protected]

Regional offices

Regional offices:

The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust has staff across regional offices to help support and work with regional landholders, communities, customers and stakeholders.  

Map of NSW showing regional boundaries of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust
BCT regional offices (click to enlarge)

Level 2, 203-209 Russell St, Bathurst 2795

PO Box 307, Cobar 2835

PO Box 2111, Dubbo 2830

Locked Bag 21, Orange 2800

92 Rusden Street, Armidale 2350

c/o Local Land Services, 35-37 Abbott Street, Gunnedah 2380

PO Box 299A, Inverell, 2360

Coffs Harbour
Locked Bag 914, Coffs Harbour, 2450

6 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West 2302

Locked Bag 5022, Parramatta 2124

c/o Local Land Services, PO Box 440, Taree, 2430

Fitzroy Falls
Highlands Parks Office, Nowra Road, Fitzroy Falls 2577

24 Terralong Street, Kiama 2533

Corner Graham and Burrawang Streets, Narooma 2546
PO Box 282, Narooma 2546

11 Farrer Place, Queanbeyan 2620

Level 3, 84 Crown Street, Wollongong 2500

PO Box 1040, Albury 2640

Wagga Wagga
PO Box 5336, Wagga Wagga 2650

Media enquiries

Reporting serious wrongdoing

Submit a report of actual or suspected wrongdoing: Reporting serious wrongdoing

Any person may assist the BCT to prevent or address unethical practices by reporting serious wrongdoing such as fraudulent or corrupt behaviour. Members of the public including third party contractors or other stakeholders may raise actual or suspected wrongdoing. Public servants including BCT staff are provided an internal system to report wrongdoing however may also choose to report using the link above.

You may remain anonymous. Personal details are not required to be provided. This is further explained when you submit a report.

A specialist team at the NSW Government Department that the BCT falls within deals with reported matters of potential or actual serious wrongdoing.

The BCT has zero tolerance to integrity being breached as outlined in the Code of Ethics and Conduct (the Code). The BCT’s Statement of Business Ethics outlines the standards of behaviour that is expected in business relationships with external parties.

Consumer feedback

The BCT is committed to providing high quality programs to our customers and stakeholders. We welcome feedback on our programs and associated activities – including compliments, complaints, and suggestions. Our homepage includes a widget to receive feedback, or feedback may be provided via general inquiries.

The BCT ensures that complaints and feedback received are managed in line with complaint handling principles and commitments, including alignment to the NSW Ombudsman commitments. The BCT adopted the Department external service-related complaints policy that provides the key principles that apply when a customer or stakeholder makes a complaint about the activities of the BCT.

The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust is a public authority covered by the NSW Ombudsman scheme.

The NSW Ombudsman is an independent integrity agency that pursues fairness for the people of NSW. It strives to ensure that those entrusted with public power and resources fulfil their responsibilities and treat everyone fairly.

For information about the NSW Ombudsman, including when and how you can make a complaint, visit:

NSW Ombudsman logo image