
Displaying 1 - 6 of 108
Thumbnail image of the Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy

Aboriginal empowerment inspires modern conservation practice

10 Jul 2024

The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust's Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy 2024-27 sets out the organisation’s aspirations toward genuine empowerment of the Aboriginal people and communities it works with.

The strategy is designed to guide staff, agreement-holders, contractors and partners in how our conservation programs can uphold cultural knowledge and weave it into modern conservation practice. 

An artwork depicting Aboriginal symbols that tells of the role insects play in the health of a landscape's biodiversity.

Ancient ways of knowing a foundation for modern days of doing

05 Jul 2024

Look to the ground, to the air around you. Listen for that gentle hum. Notice the movement close by. Feel the light touch of tiny legs or antennae. 

They’re the smallest of creatures, and a sign of a biodiverse environment, and without them we’d not have the rich flora and fauna of our celebrated Australian landscapes. 

A house and land package with a conservation agreement is an attractive sales proposition

Unearthing the hidden value of conservation in real estate

21 Jun 2024

Across the picturesque landscapes of rural NSW, biodiversity conservation opportunities are emerging as a major drawcard to property ownership.  

With a desire to protect our environment becoming increasingly common, buyers are turning to properties with conservation agreements on title to meet their environmental goals.