Ben Vincent BCT ecologist

It's no secret the unauthorised clearing of vegetation has a major impact on our native flora and fauna.

Antechinus mum and 10 babies being held up

It can sometimes be hard to resist the urge to clean up fallen branches or accumulated leaf litter in native bushland patches, but where possible leaving fallen logs, branches and leaf litter can have huge benefits for native wildlife and the func

Smoke from a bushfire drifts across ranges

With the Australian Bureau of Meteorology declaring an El Nino weather event, the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust is encouraging agreement holders

Russell was an inaugural member of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust Board and a member of the Programs and Delivery Committee, positions he maintained until February 2023.

Fernleigh entrance

The revolving fund involves the BCT identifying properties up for sale that contain very high conservation values.

Bobo river forest tree

Tessa Johnson-Walker (Tessa) was born in England in 1939.

Paul Elton square

To our landholders, stakeholders and followers,

We wanted to provide you with a further update to our operations in light of the evolving global pandemic.

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