We are not currently taking expressions of interest for the conservation agreements detailed on this page. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive advice when these opportunities re-open.

Our impact

50,000 hectares protected forever

300+ landholder agreements

100+ threatened species protected

"I signed up with the BCT to conserve this area for when I am no longer here. I want to know that it will still be protected, and no one can destroy it. That’s what motivates me, and I am proud of what I have achieved in this large area." - Don Durrant, Kyogle landholder

Standard conservation agreements

These agreements require at least 20 hectares of moderate to good condition land. The agreement is registered on the title of the land, ensuring ongoing protection even if the landholder decides to sell or give away their property in the future.

If you are an eligible landholder, you can apply for up to $15,000 in grant funding per year for 3 years and can reapply for another grant funding term thereafter.

Wildlife refuge

Landholders with a minimum of 10 hectares of moderate to good condition habitat are eligible. These agreements can be revoked, for example, if the land changes hands.

If you are an eligible landholder, you can apply for up to $2,000 of grant funding per year for 3 years and can reapply for another grant funding term thereafter.

Grant funding

Landholders with eligible agreements who require financial support in managing their conservation area can apply for a conservation grant.

Find out more

Comparison of options

DescriptionA conservation agreement, with no annual payments, and no set conservation planEntry-level conservation agreement, with no annual payments and no set conservation plan
Min. size of conservation area20 hectares*10 hectares*
Geographical restrictionsNoNo
Agreement lengthIn-perpetuityLong-term
Registered on titleYesYes
Can be revoked if land is sold?NoYes
Financial supportAgreement-holders can apply for grants of $15,000 a year for 3 yearsAgreement-holders can apply for grants of $2,000 a year, up to 3 years
Actively manage the agreed areaRecommendedRecommended
Annual reportingAs a condition of grant fundingAs a condition of grant funding
Yearly occurrenceAll yearAll year
Exempt from council rates?The Local Government Act exempts the area of a conservation agreement from rate paymentsNo
OptionStandard agreement. It is offered under our Conservation Partners Program.Wildlife refuge. It is offered under our Conservation Partners Program.

*Proposed areas less than the minimum size may be considered should they contain very high conservation values (e.g. threatened species or their habitat, or threatened ecological communities), or are of high strategic importance, or are within priority investment areas under the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Investment Strategy.
Note: Applying for a biodiversity stewardship agreement (BSA) can be completed at environment.nsw.gov.au

Submit your interest

We are not currently taking expressions of interest for the conservation agreements detailed on this page. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive advice when these opportunities re-open.

Disclaimer: Expression of Interest submissions have different assessment periods. Some may take longer than others depending on the demand in each region. Please check with NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust regional staff for more specific timeframes.

Contact us

Phone: 1300 992 688
Email: [email protected]
Office locations: Visit our regional map