Wildlife camera being set up on a tree trunk

Motion cameras and Song Meter sound recorders on private conservation agreement sites across NSW have been busily recording and capturing fauna data as part of our newly launched citizen science project, Land Libraries, with some finds the first r

A group of high school aged students stand with educators at the gate to the Gayini property

Students from Hay War Memorial High School marked Reconciliation Week on Country this year, visiting Riverina property Gayini Nimmie-Caira to learn about cultural land management and conservation. 

Dam webinar news thumbnail

The many thousands of farms dams scattered across regional NSW have an important role to play in enhancing biodiversity when managed appropriately.

Bush burning with smoke and two people with air blowers.

Cultural burning practices have been used for thousands of years to manage bushfire risks and promote biodiversity. 

Group of adults and school children stand outside holding books.

As concern for the future of our environment and unique biodiversity continues to grow it's increasingly important we find ways to encourage young people to be interested, informed and involved.  

Three young boys in Gumbaynggirr Giingana Freedom School uniforms with white ochre on their faces learn about Aboriginal culture through the Living Classrooms pilot program

Students, teachers and Aboriginal Elders at Coffs Harbour’s Gumbaynggirr Giingana Freedom School are working with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) to deliver a unit of lessons sharing A

Katrina with sign

Are you unsure what exactly the BCT does and why we do it? Watch this video to find out!  

Mt Hercules biobank site (c) OEH

Graeme Kirk is extremely proud of his 300 hectares of land at Wollondilly on the south-western outskirts of Sydney, NSW. A keen advocate of the region, Graeme uses his property for grazing sheep and protecting native bushland.

Are you are a landholder in NSW who wants to protect the biodiversity on your property and get funding in return?

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