Aboriginal empowerment inspires modern conservation practice

The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust's Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy 2024-27 sets out the organisation’s aspirations toward genuine empowerment of the Aboriginal people and communities it works with.

The strategy is designed to guide staff, agreement-holders, contractors and partners in how our conservation programs can uphold cultural knowledge and weave it into modern conservation practice. 

CEO Erin Giuliani said the new strategy provides a culturally informed path forward for conservation on lands that have both cultural and biodiversity value.

"This new strategy guides our planning and conservation decisions into the future. It strives to be culturally informed, trauma-informed and healing focused," she said.

"Its core principles are deeply rooted in the values of equity and respect, and it builds on our previous work and successful initiatives."

The strategy prioritises a rights-based approach to conservation, values culture and recognises Indigenous cultural authority. It supports a shared goal of restoring balance with the land and environment for the benefit and future sustainability of the people, lands, air and waters of NSW.

Read the strategy here