The BCT has invited two additional landholders to sign conservation agreements to protect an additional 1,485 hectares of priority koala habitat in the Southern Highlands.
In January, Minister Kean announced that five Southern Highland landholders were offered funded conservation agreements to protect and manage 1,094 hectares of koala habitat on their land. The BCT Board’s prudential management of the Biodiversity Conservation Fund means that additional funds have become available to invest in these two important and large-scale sites.
With these additional agreements, a total of seven conservation areas in the Southern Highlands covering 2,579 hectares will be established as a result of the BCT’s conservation tender, protecting critical koala habitat for generations to come. The koala habitat will be protected on title and the seven landholders will receive annual conservation management payments in perpetuity to manage this important habitat.
The Southern Highlands koala population has been identified as one of the most important populations in southern NSW, and a high priority for investment.