The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust (BCT) has today released its four-year business plan, for 2021–22 to 2024–25.
“Looking forward, over the life of its business plan, the BCT is aiming to enter 400 new agreements over 200,000 hectares to protect another 50 unique underrepresented
NSW Landscapes,” the Chair of the BCT board, the Hon Niall Blair said.
“It’s extraordinary what the BCT has achieved in its first four years,” Niall Blair said.
“So far, 285 landholders have signed or plan to sign a conservation agreement with the BCT, creating conservation areas across over 129,000 hectares.”
The Hon Niall Blair was appointed as the new Chair of the BCT Board in June 2021.
Read the full media release here.
You can view and download the BCT’s new business plan on our publications page.