Credit Offer Portal

The Credit Offer Portal is for credit owners and interested landholders who want to participate in a BCT credit tender or open fixed price offer.

The Credit Offer Portal enables participants to:

  • Browse through the BCT's Wanted Credits List,
  • Select credit types to be offered for sale to the BCT, and
  • Submit an offer to sell their credits to the BCT.

Register now for the BCT's Offsets Portal to participate in Credit Tender 25-01

The BCT has introduced multi-factor authentication for Credit Tender 25-01.

Multi-factor authentication is a security measure that enhances login protection by requiring 2 forms of identification – a password and a one-time verification code sent to your email address.

Applicants are now required to register for the BCT's Offsets Portal, before submitting a Credit Offer application in a Credit Tender. This step helps safeguard against common cyber security threats and ensures that only verified, authorised users access sensitive data.

The Guide to the Credit Offer Portal provides instructions for how to register and other important things to know before participating in Credit Tender 25-01.

Some key points to note:

  • the Wanted Credits List is updated periodically and may not always reflect current demand.
  • the credit class you search for must match your credits in order for your application to sell credits to be valid.

Click 'Credit Offer Portal' below to access the Portal.

Credit Offer Portal

Further information on use of the Portal is provided below:

  • Applicants must register an account with the BCT’s Offsets Portal before submitting an online Credit Offer application
  • How to use the Wanted Credits List
  • How to submit a Credit Offer application to sell credits

If you require assistance in submitting a Credit Offer application to sell credits then please contact the BCT at [email protected]. Including a phone number will make it easier for us to contact you. 

How to use the Wanted Credits List

The Wanted Credits List comprises of three separate tables:

Tab 1 – Ecosystem credits

Search for ecosystem credits wanted by the BCT by answering four questions at the top of the table. The questions require the following information on your credits:

  • the IBRA subregion where the credits come from (or are proposed to be created),
  • the Plant Community Type (PCT),
  • the Offset Trading Group of the credits - Offset Trading Groups are groups of credit types that have similar characteristics, and
  • the presence or absence of hollow-bearing trees.

For existing credit owners, this information is provided on the BAM biodiversity credit report or biodiversity credit ownership report or, for BBAM credits, on the statement of reasonable credit equivalence.

For interested landholders, this information is provided in a Business case or Feasibility assessment prepared by an accredited assessor. New landholders who do not have a feasibility assessment can find out how to get started here.

The questions at the top of the table allows you to filter the list of ecosystem credits to see if the BCT wants the credits you have available. Your search will only be accurate if you answer all four questions and ensure all four credit class attributes match your credits e.g. IBRA subregion, PCT ID, Offset trading group and hollow-bearing trees. If the BCT does want your credits, the Wanted Credits List will identify the number of BAM credits the BCT is seeking to purchase. If the BCT doesn’t want your credits the search results will be empty.

Note that the search results for different filter questions cannot be combined or added. For example, the number of credits with a status of ‘Hollow-bearing tree – Present’ and ‘Hollow-bearing tree – Absent’ can’t be added together. This is because the BCT has already considered these combinations when determining the number of wanted credits.

Tab 2 – Species credits

Use this table as the first step in searching for species credits wanted by the BCT. The table lists species credits that are wanted from any IBRA subregion anywhere in NSW. Species are listed in alphabetical order. The question at the top of the table acts as a filter to quickly search for your credit type.

If the BCT does want your credits, the Wanted Credits List will identify the number of BAM credits the BCT is seeking to purchase.

If you can’t find the species credits you have available in this table, or you have more credits than listed in this table, then go to Tab 3.

Tab 3 – Species credits (variations)

This tab is currently not in use.

When active, this table will be applicable if:

  • you can find your species credits however you have more credits available for sale than the number wanted in Tab 2.
  • you can’t find your species credits in Table 2. 

Tab 3 lists a broader range of species credits that are wanted in specific subregions.

Use the filter questions at the top of the table to identify the IBRA subregion where your credits come from (or are proposed to be created).

If your species credits do not match this criteria, then the type of credits are not currently wanted by the BCT.

How does the Wanted Credits List work?

Credits are being sought by the BCT to acquit offset obligations received from developers who have paid into the Biodiversity Conservation Fund. The Wanted Credits List identifies all possible credits that could be used to acquit the obligations in accordance with the offset rules (refer to section 6.6 of the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation, 2017).

Tab 1 identifies ecosystem credits that are wanted by the BCT under both ‘like for like’ and ‘variation’ offset rules. Tab 2 identifies species credits wanted in any subregion in NSW under ‘like for like’ rules. Tab 3 identifies species credits wanted in specific subregions under ‘variation’ rules.

Note that the credits on the BCT's Wanted Credits List are not listed on the Credit Demand Register maintained by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW).

How to submit an offer to sell credits

The Guide to the Credit Offer Portal provides step-by-step instructions on submitting an offer to sell credits.

The following are some tips for submitting an offer. 

  • Applicants are required to register with their email address to access the on-line Credit Offer application form.
  • The on-line Credit Offer application form can only be accessed when a tender or fixed price offer program is open. The form cannot be viewed or submitted outside of this time.
  • All credits included in the application must be from the same BSA or proposed site, be created through the same scheme (i.e., BBAM or BAM credits) and have the same status (i.e., either existing or proposed credits (including proposed credits associated with an application to vary an existing BSA). If  necessary, you can submit your offers as two or more applications.
  • Make sure that all ecosystem credits included in the application are selected from the same IBRA subregion.
  • For ecosystem credits, also make sure all four credit class attributes in the search table questions match your credits e.g. IBRA subregion, PCT ID, Offset trading group and hollow-bearing trees. If one attribute does not match your credits, your offer is likely to be ineligible.
  • Make sure you upload any required documentation for your application in accordance with the participants guide for the relevant program. As a minimum, these include: for existing credit owners, the BAM biodiversity credit report or biodiversity credit ownership report or, for BBAM credits, the statement of reasonable credit equivalence.
  • For proposed credits, the Business case or feasibility assessment (open fixed price offer program only) must meet the minimum requirements.
  • Check the participants guide to ensure that you understand the application requirements. Reading the guide is a pre-requisite for submitting a Credit Offer application. 

If you require assistance in submitting a Credit offer application then please contact the BCT at [email protected]. Including a phone number will make it easier for us to contact you.