About the grants program

Our Conservation Partners Grants provide financial assistance to landholders in managing their conservation area, allowing them to improve the biodiversity value of their properties. They are available under our perennial opportunities.

Landholders with an eligible agreement can generally apply at any time for a conservation partners grant, however BCT regions may specify a period each year when applications for grants will be accepted or assessed.

Am I eligible for a grant?

You can apply for a Conservation Partners Grant if you have one of the following NSW private land conservation agreements:

  • conservation agreement without annual management payments
  • trust agreement
  • registered property agreement
  • wildlife refuge or wildlife refuge agreement

Participants in the Humane Society International’s (HSI) Wildlife Land Trust program are also eligible to apply for a grant from the BCT.

Landholders participating in the Land for Wildlife (LFW) program are also eligible to apply for grant funding but should contact the Community Environment Network (CEN) to do so, email [email protected] or phone 4349 4756.

What activities are eligible for funding?

The following activities are eligible:

  • assisted regeneration and weed control (as part of assisted regeneration strategy)
  • fencing to secure conservation area, control grazing from livestock, to enable restoration of native vegetation
  • introduced pest animal control
  • revegetation (including supplementary planting)
  • habitat restoration—such as installation of nest boxes and artificial hollows, or additional ground cover layer and habitat structure
  • Saving our Species management actions
  • other maintenance—such as repairs to existing features required to maintain conservation values
  • native vegetation restoration planning to guide assisted regeneration or revegetation
  • project / grant management by third party(s)

Works already completed or funded from another source will not be eligible for a grant.

Funding levels

There are three levels of funding available:

  1. Up to $15,000 per year for up to three (3) years for landholders with eligible in-perpetuity agreements (conservation agreements, Trust Agreements, Registered Property Agreements).
  2. Up to $8,000 per year for up to three (3) years for landholders with a term Registered Property Agreement.
  3. Up to $2,000 per year for up to three years for landholders with a wildlife refuge agreement or who are members of the Wildlife Land Trust.

In-perpetuity agreements greater than 1,000 ha in size may be eligible for up to $30,000 per year for up to three (3) years.

What will I need to contribute?

Contributions from landholders such as labour or co-contributions are encouraged.

Note: Your labour in the project will not be eligible for grant funding.

How can I apply?

Please have the following ready before applying:

  • Your GST status
  • Your ABN (if you have one associated with management of your property)
  • Consent of all owners. The owner/s is required to sign the Grant Agreement

You can submit an expression of interest if you're unsure of the activities required to improve the ecological condition of your land. BCT staff can assist you with finalising your grant proposal.

Submit expression of interest