Are you a NSW landholder? Would you like to protect the native biodiversity of your property and receive an annual payment for doing so? If you are in one of our priority areas you can apply to earn a fixed price, per hectare, each year for managing conservation areas on your property.

Fixed price offer boundaries


To submit an expression of interest you must be:

  • an Owner of the land, as defined by the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW); and,
  • an Australian citizen, registered for tax purposes in Australia and holding an Australian bank account, or an Australian registered company, registered for tax purposes in Australia, registered for GST and holding an Australian bank account; and,
  • a fit and proper person to enter into an in-perpetuity conservation agreement with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.

Eligible conservation sites are those:

Central or Eastern NSW

  • within the central or eastern NSW fixed price offer boundaries
  • a minimum 50ha of native vegetation, or,
  • a minimum 20ha of a Threatened Ecological Community*, or,
  • contain an important wetland*

Central or Eastern NSW

Western NSW

  • within the western NSW fixed price offer boundaries
  • a minimum 500ha of native vegetation, or,
  • a minimum 20ha of a Threatened Ecological Community*, or,
  • contain an important wetland*

Western NSW


* You do not need to know if you manage Threatened Ecological Community or important wetlands to submit an expression of interest. Our field staff and ecologists will assess your proposed conservation area.

Timeline and process

Submitting an expression of interest is a two-step process:

  1. Complete the EOI form  
  2. Map your proposed conservation agreement area. You will receive a link to do this after submitting the EOI form. Please open the link and set area boundaries within 10 days of receiving the link.  

Eligible landholders can express interest in a fixed price offer at any time, with EOIs assessed annually. 

The current batch closes to expressions of interest on 1 March 2026.

Eligible landholders will be contacted for an on-property assessment and work with you to set a conservation area to protect under an agreement with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.

Landholder guide

Submit an expression of interest

Before you get started

To submit an expression of interest, we recommend you have the following information available:

  • the property owner's name, as registered on the property's title.
  • the ABN or ACN and business name of the property (if applicable)
  • the size of your proposed conservation area (in hectares)
  • the Lot and DP number of your proposed conservation area – you can find this on your Council Rates Notice, normally under the heading Property Location and Description.

We assess expressions of interest at set times each year. If your property has highly sought-after and valued native habitats and species, we will work with you to set a conservation area to protect under an agreement with the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.

Submit an expression of interest

More information

Frequently asked questions

Before you choose to express your interest in a fixed price offer, review our frequently asked questions.

Contact us

Phone: 1300 992 688
Email: [email protected]
Office locations: Visit our regional map