Why BCT?
Everlasting impact
A trusted network
Science-based investment and outcomes
Biodiversity supports business
Globally nearly 70 per cent of wildlife has been lost in the past 50 years. In Australia and NSW, despite efforts to manage threats and pressures to biodiversity in Australia, it is still in decline.
Nature is the foundation of our economy. Roughly half Australia’s GDP (49% or $896 billion) has a moderate to very high direct dependence on nature. Businesses have a very real stake in the health and survival of natural systems and biodiversity.
We offer strategic, proven and immediate collaboration opportunities that create positive, measurable social and environmental impact, and help turn things around.
Why partner?
Protect ecosystems in your supply chains
Deliver Reconciliation Action plan ambitions
Demonstrate nature‑positive action
Conserve natural capital in your portfolios
How we partner
We invite interested partners to approach us directly to explore opportunities to collaborate. Given the scale of the nature crisis, the BCT is also actively targeting organisations with high potential suitability, impact, alignment and capability to discuss their interest in working with us.
Based on a stakeholder analysis of values alignment and capabilities, the BCT will be targeting the financial sector, agribusiness and food & fibre as a priority, seeking outreach to organisations that have ambitious nature-related goals and interests in de-risking value chains.
The BCT will work with partners who have shared values and aligned goals. To find out whether you may be a good fit, view our screening of potential partners and donors and download our partnerships brochure.
Cultural Biodiversity Conservation
Partner on our initiatives to enable caring for Country with Aboriginal landholders.
Conservation Management Program
Fund additional conservation hectares and habitats for threatened species and ecological communities.
Leverage our Revolving Fund's ability to continuously recycle capital to acquire, protect and re-sell private land of high conservation value.
Co-invest with the BCT on partnerships that deliver ecological outcomes at scale and strategic significance.
Partnerships tailored to meet your organisation’s sustainability ambitions and the BCT's priority objectives.
Our partnership priorities
Our impact
2 million+ hectares under protection
2,400+ landholder agreements
200+ threatened species under protection
400,000+ hectares under protection forever