
Displaying 55 - 60 of 108
Bird news crop

BCT Seeking Accredited Assessor nominations for upcoming workshops

30 Jul 2021

The BCT are seeking 8-10 experienced accredited assessors (AAs) to participate in two workshops in late August and September. The workshops are an opportunity to provide advice and information to support the development of the new BCF charge system, including the cost-structure model for ecosystems and species credit pricing.

Fernleigh entrance

Six properties bought and sold by the BCT's revolving fund

30 Jul 2021

The revolving fund involves the BCT identifying properties up for sale that contain very high conservation values. The BCT buys these properties then ‘revolves’ them by selling to landholders interested and willing to sign an in-perpetuity conservation agreement on a portion of the land, to manage that area for biodiversity conservation outcomes.

Wattle in sunlight

New Chair for the BCT

12 Jun 2021

Environment Minister Matt Kean has appointed Mr Niall Blair as Chairperson of the BCT.

Mr Kean said Mr Blair’s over twenty years experience across government and private sectors made him ideally suited to lead the BCT Board into the future.

Walgett Brooksdale

Conservation tenders announced for 2021

25 May 2021

The BCT has announced three new conservation tenders opening during 2021 in the Lower Clarence Valley, the Paroo and Warrego Catchments, and the Snowy Monaro local government area.

The Paroo and Warrego Catchments conservation tender aims to protect private land with important wetland habitat and floodplain ecosystems between significant rivers systems in Western NSW as well as Artesian Spring communities.

Bobo river forest tree

Celebrating Tessa - Johnson Walker

14 Apr 2021

Tessa Johnson-Walker (Tessa) was born in England in 1939. She emigrated to Australia with her family in the 1960s and moved to the North Coast region of NSW in the 1980s and became involved with nature conservation through the North Coast Environment Council and Clarence Valley WIRES.